Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2000 Miles, Thomas Jefferson, and Happy New Year

The end of one year is today and the beginning of a new year is tomorrow...This means different things to each person, but it's safe to say that this past year is like no other year for most of us. I'm also willing to bet that next year will bring a year that is unlike any other year for most of us.

So, it took some work in December, but I surpassed 2000 miles (or so) for the year. Some brief stats are:

Total Miles: 2013*
Days: 283
Low Month Total: 142 (January)
High Month Total: 202 (May)
Monthly Average: 167.75
Weekly Average: 38.7

*Figure is a little low as I rounded down run distances most of the time

The 2000 mile is more impressive to non-runners than it is to runners, but this year was a little different for me. I had more distractions than in previous years:
Work had me traveling a lot in in Spring 2008 and then again in the Fall 2008
2007 ended with me recouping from a scare at the ER and a weekend hospital stay
I used Oct 08 and Nov 08 both as "cut-back" months rather than just 1 month

But I did have some highlights:
Got involved with a running team:
I volunteered at 4 races: McNaughton Ultra (IL), Pittsfield Peak Ultras (VT), Buckley (IN), and Chicago Marathon (IL)
I finished a new distance: 12 Hour Race (not greatest performance, but finished healthy)
I started the process for Directing an Ultramarathon in November 2009
I lowered my 5K PR to 20:33

So, I've been reading a lot of Thomas Jefferson or about him lately. I recommend that anyone who wants some good reading material that they check out some of his essays, quotes, a biography about him, or maybe just dig out a copy of the Declaration of Independence. You might be surprised about how much he thought about then relates to our lives in America right now.

Goals for 2009 coming soon along with an announcement about the Rundure 8 Hour Event.
